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Holiday Schedules

The following is the standard holiday schedule for the Federal Reserve System. Please click on a holiday date to view service change announcements where applicable. Please note that any additional holidays designated for the state of Colorado by the Governor are not listed.

Standard Federal Reserve Bank Holidays

New Year's DayJanuary 1*January 1**January 1January 1January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. DayJanuary 17January 16January 15January 20January 19
Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day)February 21February 20February 19February 17February 16
Memorial DayMay 30May 29May 27May 26May 25
Juneteenth National Independence DayJune 19**June 19June 19June 19June 19
Independence DayJuly 4July 4July 4July 4July 4*
Labor DaySeptember 5September 4September 2September 1September 7
Columbus DayOctober 10October 9October 14October 13October 12
Veterans DayNovember 11November 11*November 11November 11November 11
Thanksgiving DayNovember 24November 23November 28November 27November 26
Christmas DayDecember 25**December 25December 25December 25December 25

*For holidays falling on Saturday, Federal Reserve Banks and Branches will be open the preceding Friday.

**For holidays falling on Sunday, Federal Reserve Banks and Branches will be closed the following Monday — June 20, 2022, December 26, 2022, and January 2, 2023.

































































Contact Us

Colorado Bankers Association
One Sherman Place
140 East 19th Avenue, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: 303.825.1575

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